Massage for Rehabilitation and Relaxation

Oriental Pearl Spa  provides custom massages at an affordable price to improve health and relaxation.

A Place That
Leave Feeling Happy and Relaxed

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Relaxation (Hot Oil)

A hot oil massage will relax muscles by warming them up, allowing them to get more flexible and stretchy.

Deep Tissue (Walk on Back)

Deep tissue massage is a massage technique that's mainly used to treat musculoskeletal issues, such as strains and sports injuries.

Treatment (Pain Relief)

Specializing in the treatment of head, neck, shoulder and leg pain.

Foot Massage

Foot Massage is the application of pressure to areas on the feet (or the hands). Reflexology is generally relaxing and may help alleviate stress.

Table Shower

A table shower is a spa treatment in which you lay on a table underneath a shower. Its primary goal is to enhance relaxation and tension, but it's also a good way to cleanse the skin and open the pores.

Masseurs in Oriental Pearl Spa are all experienced and knowledgeable. They understand physiology and anatomy. I highly recommend them.

Maggie Kien, Portland OR 5/2023

Benefits of Massage

  1. Relieves Pain Reduces Stress & Anxiety
  2. Increases blood circulation
  3. Reduces headaches
  4. Reduces soreness
  5. Increases range of motion
  6. Boosts the immune system
  7. Reduces fatigue
  8. Increases relaxation